Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Relationships are the bread of career life. So make and break bread with others. In times of change, contacts are the sources of information, opportunity and even power. Don’t let your everyday responsibilities isolate you from others. Move out from behind your desk. Move around in a variety of circles. Move quickly, eat hardy and …
I struggled with this entry for a couple of reasons. I wasn’t sure is vulnerable was the “right” word to explore and I wasn’t sure what I would write about it. Now I know why I struggled, I needed to live it not write about it. Last week I had two things happen to me …
What do you bring to the employment table? As organizations continue to change -they’ll grow, restructure, merge, right size, outsource – an increasingly vital career strategy is to make sure your competitive edge continues to be well honed, razor sharp, and very, very productive. Get this image in your mind—you are carrying a large suitcase …
As you move into the New Year, you may have new projects added to your plate along with other projects in full swing. Perhaps you are working with a team that is struggling to make progress. Maybe you find yourself behind on projects and not sure how to catch up. It’s amazing how easily I …
Do you have all the puzzle pieces and know how they fit? Just for a moment, visualize your career as one huge jigsaw puzzle with many different pieces. One piece can be your department’s goals; a second your company’s challenges; a third your industry and how it’s doing; a fourth the economy in your city …
A not so great performance review doesn’t have to be a career setback. Recently I coached a talented project manager who had received a not so stellar performance review that could impact her career advancement. Getting negative feedback from your boss is not a joyride. In fact, it can be devastating. I know from experience. …
About a year ago I finished my MBA. I expected there would be plenty of opportunities for advancement. That has not happened. What should I do? That was a question from an analyst in a financial services company. That situation has come up several times in coaching recent MBA’s and Executive MBA graduates. They thought …