Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Sandy Cormack, a personal and organizational consultant, continues with his installments of Unlocking Creative Potential. He uses a neuroscience-based approach to team building, leadership development, creativity and innovation, change management, and business strategy development. You could say the human brain is really the last frontier. We use only a small part of it, but increasing …
This is a precious time when the darkness comes early and candles glow. Quiet stillness falls in the darkness of winter. In the darkness just one candle flame sheds light for a room. One candle lights the way. Not surprising at all that Hanukkah and Christmas both share the symbols of light with the Winter …
In my last article, I talked about performance from the viewpoints of Performance Psychologists. This time we’ll take a look at what neuroscience has to tell us by understanding more about left-brain-right-brain science. I have asked Sandy Cormack, a personal and organizational consultant to guest blog on the subject. He uses a neuroscience approach to …
Yahweh is another name for God. According to the article The Names of God a study by J. Hampton Keathley, III “Yahweh (YHWH): Comes from a verb which means “to exist, be.” This, plus its usage, shows that this name stresses God as the independent and self-existent God of revelation and redemption (Gen. 4:3; Ex. …
An old business maxim is “What gets measured gets rewarded. What gets rewarded gets repeated.” It’s worth taking some time to stop and reflect on what you are measuring in your work and life. Think of this exercise as an end-of-year inventory of your inner world, your spiritual supplies. Items you could include in your …
Life’s little hassles mount up until you say to yourself, “If one more thing goes wrong today, I’ll explode.” Stress. Pressure. Anxiety. Tension. Whatever you call it, there is no shortage of it in today’s fast-paced workplace. Can we totally eliminate them? No. The trick is to manage the stress versus being overwhelmed by it. …
However, the most important message he sent, "When the store employees fail to do this one thing (insert most important loss prevention topic), FREAK OUT; but don't FREAK OUT all the time. Only on the big stuff."