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10 Things To Do To Have Engaged, Energized Employees

Do you manage by walking around? What do you see? Are people excited about their job or are people just going through the motions? Here are 10 ways, that do not cost much if anything, to turn “it’s just a job” employees into energized and engaged employees Take their jobs easier. Work alongside them and …

Correcting a Customer Complaint Crisis

Get it right, or the world will hear When passengers aboard a Middle East Airlines flight discovered that not only did their plane have no air conditioning in the scorching heat, but was also full of broken tables, malfunctioning entertainment systems, and safety booklets stuck together with chewing gum, the logical first step was to …

Winning Teams On the Football Field and the Workplace

Teams, teams, teams. Whether you love them or loathe them, you’ll have to learn to live, not only with them but within them. Your leadership will depend on it. Here are five strategies for building and nurturing winning teams on the football field workplace. 1. Manage by adultery. It’s a term coined by Chaparral Steel …

From One HR Nerd To Another

Recently, I got asked another question and the answer required a little more thought on my part. One of my HR students asked, "How do you know so much about this stuff?" After thinking about that for a couple of days, I discovered that the answer is that I am a true student of HR and all things related to people in the workplace. I read a lot of books, I read a lot of articles, I spend a great deal of time on websites, I attend professional development seminars and conferences, I teach HR, and I am actively involved in my local ASTD chapter. I am constantly seeking the most up to date information and I love research on the topic. I am a true HR Nerd.

Talk About Transparency!

Not your fault? Let the people know! Additional fees for air travel have been a topic of increasing unpopularity in recent years, so when new federal regulations pushed airlines to conceal government taxes in fares, budget line Spirit fought back with the ultimate in transparency. By sending an email with the following headline to its …

Checking your Ego

An important spiritual practice at work involves paying attention to when your personal agenda or ego gets in the way of making a relationship work smoothly. Way too many team conflicts and bad decisions happen due to egos and personal agendas. I like the corporate culture of Southwest Airlines that supports people taking their job …

When Companies Think They Are Too Smart for Customer Service…

When companies think they are smarter than their customers it’s time to time customers learned how not to play their game. That’s right, I said it. We need to train customers; they just aren’t savvy enough. Actually, we, customers, probably are, but we don’t have the time to fight the companies taking advantage of us. …

Company Culture: It Cannot Run and It Cannot Hide (from Social Media)

The following is a guest post from Anne Marie Smith. Let’s play a quick word association game. What is the first word or feeling that comes to mind for each of these companies? Fannie Mae Enron Disney Starbucks If you’re like most people, your attitude about the first two is the polar opposite from your …

Porter’s Five Competitive Forces (Part 2)

My previous blog identified the five competitive forces developed by Harvard professor Michael Porter, which should be addressed in every business plan. This blog profiles each of these forces.

Delta Drops Fees, Learns Lesson

Rigid rules lead to viral video crisis Last month Delta Air Lines took a serious pounding to its already-tattered reputation when a YouTube video which featured shocked home bound soldiers commenting on the $200 fee they were charged for checking extra baggage (which contained government-issue weapons used to fight overseas, by the way) went viral. …