
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
It’s Not About Me; It’s About You, Really !! Relationships are at the heart of all fundraising activities, and grants are no exception. Just like dating, the nonprofit grantee needs to find a compatible match in a prospective grantor. But, unlike a good date, the grantee/grantor relationship is very one-sided. It REALLY is all about …
An email asked: “What advice is there for new nonprofits without a funding history? So many groups with a lot of potential just don’t know where to begin.” ============= The biggest mistake most new NPOs make is the assumption/belief that, because they want to do wonderful things, everyone (read: gov’t, corporations, foundations and “rich people”) …
The best way to begin a government grant proposal is with a great kick-off meeting. If the meeting goes well, you will inform, motivate, and focus the grant proposal team on the task ahead. The proposal team is comprised of the people who will be working on the grant application. They should include the Proposal …
On a listserve in which I used to participate, someone posted the following: << We plan to write to donors who have not contributed in the last few years and ask if they would like to remain on our list…. >> My Response: Those folks must have had some reason for giving to you in …
While billions of dollars are donated online annually, your nonprofit is probably not getting its fair share. And that’s probably because your own website is getting in the way. We have recently made online gifts “secretly” to over 80 nonprofit organizations with some surprising results, which we’ll be talking about in this and future issues. …
This posting was “provoked” by a question in an email. In fundraising, as in sales, it’s targeted marketing that is most effective. But you can’t target the folks in your market until they’ve been identified. Donor acquisition, the most expensive part of the “development/fundraising” process, is a necessary investment. And that’s what it is, an …
In workplace giving, workers solicit funds from their co-workers, and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the Federal government’s workplace giving program. The CFC is a mandatory, completely voluntary program – and that’s not a contradiction. It is mandatory because every U.S. Federal agency in the world must conduct a CFC campaign between Sept. 1 …