
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
Confession: I don’t love making phone calls. In fact, there was a time when I’d do anything to avoid calling prospects. Like many in my generation, I was far more comfortable emailing or texting, or even sending them messages through LinkedIn. Digital tools are great, but it didn’t take me long to realize that the …
Stocks and mutual funds make great charitable gifts, yet many non-profits overlook them; and, donors may not think to make those kinds of donations, unless you remind them. Once donors learn about the tax advantages of donating stock, they often become consistent stock donors. Stocks and mutual funds are securities that represent an ownership interest …
Here six key objectives I set for every fundraising letter I write. I use these as standards to review and rewrite a draft appeal until I can’t improve it further. 1. Create a personal connection. Always use the first person singular (“I,” “me,” “my”), never the snooty-sounding, disembodied “we.” Talk to me as if we …
October 29: Six Goals For A Direct Mail Letter by Jonathan Howard …six key elements for every fundraising letter – standards to use to review and rewrite a draft appeal until it can’t be improved further. November 5: Remind Your Donors to Give Stocks and Mutual Funds by John Elbare Stocks and mutual funds make …
In my last post, I shared a few thoughts with fundraising managers about supervising “digital natives.” Today, I have some tech-related advice for my fellow Millennials. 1. Stay open to the possibility that the internet may not be the solution every time. Sometimes, for example, emailing your prospect just won’t get it done. You may …
On June 18 & 25, Lynne deLearie wrote about “Reason and Emotion in Grant Proposals.” Coincidentally, I’ve recently been involved in some discussions in which some folks were leaning much too far in one direction or the other. Those conversations were prompted by what one participant reported as an interesting article in The Chronicle of …
In my previous two posts, I’ve suggested that checklists can be very valuable in helping your non-profit achieve success with its enrollment in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). One reason that a checklist is valuable is that it helps you create consistent results over time. Notice that I said, “helps.” I didn’t say that a …