
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
As noted last week: (1) The fundraising plan addresses (where appropriate) mass solicitation (mail, email, telephone), individual solicitation (major gifts), foundation applications, corporate solicitation and special events; and, (2) A fundraising plan, more than anything, must be a reflection of reality. In crafting a plan, “reality” derives from experience. For example, only if you’ve previously …
This is one of the most important aspects of a successful Development program, but it’s a subject that needs a lot more attention than it gets. An organization’s development/fundraising plan, once formulated, provides the map, the guidelines for doing what must be done to raise the funds an organization needs to operate/survive. Sticking with the …
Back in February, I posted a piece “Development As A Profession Vs. Development As An Activity,” in which I noted that the Development process includes the establishment of relationships with potential donors (individuals, foundations, corporations), with the purpose of learning their needs and how the satisfaction of those needs can/will correspond with the satisfaction of …
This is a follow up to last week’s post on “special event income.” The person who asked the question that engendered that posting didn’t provide enough information for me to be able to address her specific circumstances. So, I got another note, expressing disappointment … and maybe a little annoyance. This time my correspondent wrote: …
A recent email asked: “What percentage of a non profit’s budget should come from fundraising events?” I have a problem with the word, “should.” That implies that all nonprofits should be raising money through events. That is so wrong!! That is a question that is (so) often posed by people new to the nonprofit world, …
Unlike all of the other planned giving mechanisms, a bequest program doesn’t require major technical expertise and specific financial instruments. It’s easy, it’s fast, it can pay off substantially, and the dollars from bequests comprise close to 90% of all planned gifts. Many non-profit organizations refuse to get into planned giving because of the perception …
Corporate Event for a Non-Profit: Profit Meet Purpose A recent communication asked: “I have a potential non-profit client that was approached by a for-profit corporation, with a similar mission, that wants to contribute to the non-profit all or some of the net proceeds from a Gala Anniversary Event organized by and for the for-profit entity. …