Business Resources

Crafting an impactful logo is a fundamental aspect of establishing a strong brand identity, wielding the potential to captivate your target audience effectively. Whether you are an adept graphic designer or a small business owner without design expertise, a well-designed logo can catalyze brand memorability, articulate your unique selling proposition, and foster connections with your …
Firing employees is challenging and takes a delicate and well-thought-out approach while adhering to legal guidelines. Our blog post will guide you through 27 legitimate reasons for terminating an employee while maintaining professionalism. Understanding the Employee Termination Process Employee termination ends an employee’s work contract with a firm. It can occur for several reasons, such …

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Developing & Managing Volunteer Programs
Nearly 78 million Americans volunteered their time for an organization in 2019—that’s about 30% of the population—according to AmeriCorps. Nonprofit organizations and other companies that rely on volunteers should be developing and managing volunteer programs that benefit the organization and volunteers. It all starts with a well-designed plan. This Library topic is called “Developing & …
Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD This section of the library provides miscellaneous information which may be helpful as an overview of various aspects of business law in the United States of America. Businesses designing personnel policies should obtain advice from an attorney specializing in the area of employee laws. Businesses requiring legal advice regarding …
Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD This section of the library provides miscellaneous information that may be helpful as an overview of various aspects of business law in the United States of America. Businesses designing personnel policies should obtain advice from an attorney specializing in the area of employee laws. Businesses requiring legal advice regarding …
© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Women on Boards: Review & Outlook Does Gender Matter in the Boardroom? Advancing female representation in the boardroom: An interview with Ilene H. Lang Does the Gender of Directors Matter? Gender Diversity on Public Company Boards Gender Composition of Boards Important for Competitiveness Initiatives to Place …
© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. The good servant Do Independence and Financial Expertise of the Board Matter for Risk Taking and Performance? The Dark Side of Outside Directors The Benefits Of The Perfect Independent Board Member Independent director – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bijan Sabet • How to pick an independent …
© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. General A VC: Who You Want On Your Board Starting a Nonprofit: 10 Considerations in Electing the Initial Board People Want to Follow Calm, Assertive Leaders | Psychology Today Also, consider Related Library Topics Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to This Topic In addition …