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Carter McNamara

Carter McNamara’s posts

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Donors

The donor pool can be (and has been!) sliced and diced in a variety of…

Organization Development

Here’s Some First Steps to Start “Fixing” a Broken Board

When Boards have recurring problems, such as poor attendance, low participation, high turnover of members,…

Business Laws & Ethics

Time to Think About the Gurus in Your Field?

A colleague called me last week, reporting that she had actually spoke face-to-face with one…

Consulting & Freelancing

For-Profit and Nonprofit Boards: More Similarities Than Differences?

The Corporate Secretaries International Association recently released a report, “Twenty Practical Steps to Better Corporate…

Business Laws & Ethics

How to Change Your Strategic Plan

Few plans are implemented as intended. That’s one of the reasons that people lose faith…

Business Planning

How Financial Sustainability is So Misunderstood

Finances Are Just a Symptom, Not a Solution When people think of financial sustainability, they…

Organization Development

Four Types of “Broken” Boards

Over the years, I’ve noticed four common types of “broken” Boards. One of the ways…

Business Laws & Ethics

Here’s a Procedure for Making Decisions

Why a Policy for Making Decisions? How often have you heard Board members assert that…

Business Laws & Ethics

What’s a Nonprofit “Program”? Really?

Too Often, What We Call a Program, Really Isn’t If you spent the day guiding…

Organization Development

When Strategizing, Use “Sanity Solution”

Over the years, I’ve noticed that when things get really tough or it’s difficult to…

Business Planning

Are You Doing OD? Training? Consulting? Coaching? All of These?

OD vs. Training – Or Is It? I’ve watched over the years as various fields…

Consulting & Freelancing

“Core” Coaching Skills — The 20% That Get’s The 80% of Results

from guest writer Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting, LLC Many Coaching Models Have Certain Approaches…

Leadership Skills

Is Issues-Based Planning Better Or Goals-Based Planning?

Far too often, organizations choose the wrong approach to strategic planning. As a result, strategic…

Business Planning

Social Schizophrenia

On which side of philanthropy’s great divide do you stand? More importantly, where do your…

Organization Development

How Much Should Your Board Be Involved in Management?

How involved in management should your board be? Experts often have very strong beliefs and…

Business Laws & Ethics

Strategic Planning or Business Planning?

It seems that the two phrases “strategic planning” and “business planning” are used interchangeably, much…

Business Planning