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Why Do Public Relations?

Do you have a new business, or a business that’s mature but needs some greater visibility? Are you launching a new product? If you’re a non-profit, are policy issues or board blow ups finding their way into the community you serve? Are you looking for new employees who understand what you do? These are just …

The Role of SEO in Crisis Management

What do you want people to find on the first page of results when they search for your organization’s name on Google (which has 80+ percent of search traffic) or the other major search engines? You would probably prefer that they don’t find: a vicious blog started by disgruntled former employees; or, 75 percent of …

Fundraising or Not Fundraising, That is the Question

Fundraising, as a distinct sub-category of income generation, includes those activities that get people to GIVE their money to non-profit organizations and, ideally, to get them to keep giving. It does not include raising money by selling things – T-shirts, light bulbs, candy, books, carnival tickets, seats at dinner, or anything else that has material …

Why All This Talk About Leadership?

I’m a Leadership Coach and something of a community activist. I coach people who want to live a good life while making a difference. That’s what I want for myself. That’s what I want for you. Work Hard. Do Good. Have Fun Doing It. You found this blog. So, I’m willing to bet that you …

Structure is irrelevant

Not all social enterprises look alike. While many people immediately think of nonprofits (or nongovernmental organizations, NGOs), in practice any type of business can be a social enterprise. As long as you “harness the power of the marketplace to solve critical social or environmental problem,” which to me means you sell stuff to customers as …

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Successful entrepreneurs tend to be frugal. They have to be. They know that money and time is scarce. Too many things to do, too little time. So they focus, prioritize, cut to the bone, do what only needs to be done to get from point A to point E (skipping point B, C and D …

Ethics at a cross roads

What makes the field of business ethics so interesting and so challenging is that as a term, and as a concept,“business ethics” means so many different things to so many different constituencies. However, many of these constituencies often don’t communicate well together. The academic side of business ethics is often not seen as a resource …

Introduction — Removing the Mystique About Boards

Many people have the impression that a Board of Directors is a group of very wise people who sit in a very special room and make very complex deliberations and decisions. Actually, most Board members are people just like us who are trying their best to understand what’s going on and what to do about …

The 10 Steps of Crisis Communications – Part 2

6. Anticipate Crises If you’re being proactive and preparing for crises, gather your Crisis Communications Team for long brainstorming sessions on all the potential crises which can occur at your organization. There are at least two immediate benefits to this exercise: * You may realize that some of the situations are preventable by simply modifying …

Detailed Topics for This Blog

A post will be published twice a week, most likely Tuesdays and Fridays. Each of the bulleted items below is a topic of a post. The posts are organized into major sections and subsections. For example, the post “Major Types of Consultants” is in the subsection “About Consulting,” which is in the section “Foundations of …