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16 Ways to Derail an Attempt at Building Performance Culture

Previous posts have provided tips on overcoming the myth of the paper trail. In an effort to examine this issue from a different angle, below is a list of things that can derail your attempt to create a performance culture. Save all your feedback on an employee’s performance until the annual review meeting.

Instruments to Measure Post Training Effectiveness

Evaluation is not just for the trainers and learning professionals, it’s for the adult learner, the middle managers, and everyone involved in the process of training and development – Even more important, in today’s recession, training is, unfortunately, one of the first areas in a business to be trimmed or cut. So we have to …

Burnett Business Philosophy: Social Media Marketing

Do the founding principles of Marketing Thought Leaders in history still apply to the new paradigm of social media marketing? Here we take a closer look at Leo Burnett and his now worldwide agency. The quick answer to our question – YES!

New Leaders Needed

The days of leaders who can raise productivity and consequently profitability just by ‘managing by walking about’, patting their staff on the back and asking after the dog, are gone.

The Annual Fund Is Obsolete: Three Follow-Up Thoughts

Three Additional Thoughts: The Annual Fund Is Outdated 1. If a mechanism you’re using to raise funds for your programs/operations is called the “Annual Fund,” and if you solicit the same constituency more than once each year, then a response you’re likely to get from donors is, “I already gave this year.” You may not …

The Fragility of Transparency

Today in Boston the Board of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center today fined chief executive Paul Levy $50,000 for engaging in a personal relationship with an employee that over time “created an improper appearance and became a distraction within the hospital,” according to a statement by Board Chairman Stephen Kay. Mr. Levy has had a …

Slouching Towards Friday: Best Days to Send a News Release

A longtime client asked me to post a news release to the media last Friday. I gulped and said to myself, “Where have I gone wrong? How many times have I told them, ‘Any day but Friday?’ Am I totally not communicating clearly in my media-savant communications capacity?” Gulp, and gulp again…. “Can I home …

Bloomberg TV interview re Goldman Sachs

Last Friday I was interviewed for almost five minutes on Bloomberg TV regarding crisis management and the Goldman Sachs debacle, with about 20 seconds at the end of the interview regarding the BP oil spill in the Gulf. Funny thing at the interview itself — you probably can’t tell that, in this high-tech TV studio, …

What is a Well-lived Life?

I taught an Ethical Leadership class at Virginia Tech and posed a question to my students the first day of class- “What is a well lived life for you?” It is worth considering. People have various answers for this, but most talk about having good relationships with family and friends, leaving a legacy of something …

The purpose of the Paper Trail

I have spent a great deal of time writing about the paper trail. My previous two posts discuss steps in overcoming it and building a culture of performance. So often, Human Resource (HR) professionals must provide the legal voice concerning employee issues in the organization.