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Online Marketing

How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook Beginners Guide

Facebook, the social media behemoth, has become an essential marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. With billions of active users worldwide, Facebook provides a vast audience for your business.  However, tapping into this pool of potential customers requires a comprehensive understanding of Facebook advertising. This article will serve as a beginner’s guide on advertising …
Chris Brogan offers a course for folks who work hard online but don’t make the money they hope to make. It’s called “Mastering the Digital Channel.”
“Using Instagram, small business owners can instantly put a face to their businesses’ name—and watch their customer relationships and sales flourish as a result.”
Instead all of us feel targeted. We have a bullseye on our backs. I thought the “do-not-call-list” was bad enough to put telemarketers on notice to leave us alone. We can mark unwanted emails as spam. We can ignore ads on Facebook, MySpace, Google Plus and many more personal social networks. We can still see …
A lead magnet solves a very big problem for your target audience. That makes sense, right? What do you do when you sit down at the Google search bar? Well, you type into it keywords for the problem you're trying to solve.
Employing some basics of online marketing for small businesses can generate a big return.
According to eMarketer, more and more companies are shifting their focus to content marketing and using it as a lead generation tool.
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