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497 results found

Career Planning: Goals and Plans

If you don’t know where you’re going, any place and no place, will do. Make sure your career is not stranded on an island called, “Someday I’ll…” If you want something, don’t just think about it or talk about it. Figure out a way to make it happen. The first step is goal setting. What …

Manage Your Career Competitive Edge

Career success does not happen just because one does good work. That is expected. To get ahead and stay ahead, you must excel. Here are three strategies to manage your competitive edge. 1. Become a Career Entrepreneur The business of career management is that—an independent business that you manage—even if you work for someone else. …

Types of Consultants: Consulting Foundations – Part 4

Part 1 of this series is What Do Consultants Do?, which defines a consultant (as Peter Block puts it) as someone who is trying to change another person, process, or organization, but who has no direct control over what they are trying to change. That post also listed numerous roles that a consultant might play. …

Make Career Change Work For You!

Are you looking for more than just a better job? Rather, you’re seeking a more rewarding profession, one that better aligns with your skills, interests, values, and plans for the future. It will not happen overnight. It will take reflection, planning and motivation. Here are five tips for making the transition into a new, rewarding …

Dancing with the Butterfly-I

Leading and Working in Complex Human Systems -For Diane Hetherington- The importance of human systems: We spend much of our lives as part of human systems. Examples include the organizations in which we work, the teams and groups of which we are members, our families, our communities, and our world. In fact, I would argue …

Who’s Responsible For Your Career?

Many think of it as a 50-50 arrangement. I carry 50% of the responsibility for my career development and my employer carries 50%. Yes, in theory, but not in reality. Here’s the rub. What an employer considers 50%, you may consider only 10% and be dissatisfied. And what you feel is your 50% contribution, may …

The Planning Study: (Part #2 of 3 – Preparation)

The first step in the planning study process is determining what it is that you want the study to accomplish. Second, is the creation of a list of those folks you’d like to interview – a list that can be as long as you’d like … as long as you’re realistic. No one goes on …

Free Management Library and iBrand Masters Tweets

Coaching Blog: Coaching Tip – Block Time to Maximize Your Efficiency http://bit.ly/9dedlw # Training Blog: 4 Steps to Conducting a Needs Assessment: http://bit.ly/bANRSz # Social Enterprise: Feasibility Testing: Top 10 Tips http://bit.ly/9YLsOE # Business Planning Blog: What Do We Need: Strategic or Business Plan? http://bit.ly/dj9XBr # Fundraising Blog: GRANTS: FREE MONEY – NOT QUITE !! …

Putting Ethics First: A Conversation with Mr. Blankfein

Talking with Mr. Blankfein About Placing Ethics First From the Wall Street Journal on May 5, 2010: “Frankly, at this point, we have to go with an open mind and determine what we may be doing wrong,” Mr. Blankfein told customers of its private-wealth-management business during a 30-minute conference call. “On a very microscopic level, …

New Leaders Needed

The days of leaders who can raise productivity and consequently profitability just by ‘managing by walking about’, patting their staff on the back and asking after the dog, are gone.