
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
“Cool” isn’t a fundraising strategy A client asked me last week if their organization should start putting QR codes on their direct mail envelopes. “Yes,” I answered, “…when you’re ready for that.” For the vast majority of nonprofits dabbling in online fundraising, there are at least ten other things you should be working on ahead …
Hoping that, between last Tuesday and today, you haven’t used the four illustrations of bad fundraising techniques, we continue with the theme/intent of this three-part posting. Once in a while, the response to the cold Letter, the cold Call, the Invitation (out of the blue) or the Visit (not preceded by the appropriate education and …
While the Internet has not changed “everything,” it has changed how we shop, how we get directions, and most relevant to the CFC donors… and all nonprofit fundraising, it has changed where we get our news and information. And even though video is an increasingly important method of sharing information, the written word is how …
In our definition, we suggest that, no matter its size, unless a gift met certain parameters, it wasn’t “major.” We emphasize the requirement that the process that obtained the gift had to be based on a plan/strategy that included face-to-face cultivation and solicitation components, and that the gift had to significantly help in attaining fundraising …
What does every prospector need to “hit the mother lode?” A good map!! And prospecting for foundation funding is no different. Here’s the good news: with a couple of key tools, you can create your own map to lead you to some very good sources of funding. The two that top my list are annual …
An email indicated that “Our capital campaign has concluded. We’ve reached our goal, but we still have some prospects that have not been met/solicited and we have identified additional capital needs. We’re also looking at creation of a major gifts program.” = = = = = = = = = = = = = If …
Clear/concise writing is an important component of the government grants proposal development process. But, as John C. Lauderdale – the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Government Contracts (2009) – points out, there are some tried and true maxims that you should follow to write well. Two of those maxims are: Proposal quality …