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johntalaguit’s posts

Ultimate Business Planning Guide with Updated Resources

Complete Business Planning Guide with Extensive Resources Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD. NOTE: Your business…

Business Planning

Guidelines and Resources for Successful Startup Funding

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Sections of This Topic Include Preparation…

Complete Ethics Management Guide: Toolkit for Managers

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. (This guide is located at https://management.org/businessethics/ethics-guide.htm…

Boards of Directors Articles, Bylaws, Resolutions, and Policies

Your Guide Carter McNamara MBA, PhD website my blog Articles, Bylaws, Resolutions, Policies © Copyright…

The Difference Between a Good Trainer and a Great Trainer

As I often get my inspiration from networking with other training professionals, I ran across…

Training & Development