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Types of Changes

I have been thinking about Types of Changes, which tend to fall into 3 buckets. First, there is the Minor change, which is basic tuning, or adjustments to normal business life and the predictability of managing those is high. Then there are the Low impact changes, small changes in people and processes where predictability is …

“Best” Business Planning Books

Finding a good business plan book can be overwhelming. Type “business planning guide” into Amazon and you’ll get almost 5000 citations. Your local bookstore or library is more selective, but it’s still hard to sort through them. And, truth be told, there’s no one book for everybody. So, for that reason, we’ve listed the “best” …

Coaching Tip – How to Say “No”

Many of my clients have trouble saying “no”. They feel obligated to please others and saying “no” to the boss does not seem acceptable. The truth is that by saying “no” you are letting others know that you value your time, priorities and boundaries. Here are a few tips to help you say “no”: 1. …

What Is A Special Event?

There used to be hard-and-fast rules as to what was, or wasn’t, a special event. Today, everything gets that label, from a small cocktail reception, to a board lunch, to a Gala Auction for 1,000. Nonprofits think special events are cool and a great way to raise money, but they’re only partially right. Events are …

What’s What

here are some definitions I ran across after reading Carter McNamara's blog titled Are You Doing OD? Training? Consulting? Coaching? All of These? enjoy

Setting Intentions then Stepping Back

I’ve been a coach for several years now, working with clients who want to focus on either professional or personal goals. One approach to coaching is to help people see the gap of where they are vs. where they want to be. The role of the coach is to help people take steps to close …

Feasibility Testing: Top 10 Tips

So you have piles of venture ideas and don’t know where to start. Or perhaps there’s just one idea that you think looks pretty good. Either way, you need to some feasibility testing. To narrow a long list to a manageable number, try the Quick Feasibility Screen (at www.RolfeLarson.com click on Free Resources). It’s a …

Needs Assessment

The First Step A Needs Assessment is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These “things” are usually associated with organizational and/or individual performance. WHY design and conduct a Needs Assessment? We need to consider the benefits of any Human Resource Development (HRD) intervention before we just go …