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Exit Quietly

Good crisis management is rarely about attracting a lot of attention and staying in the news. In fact, many fine examples of crisis management have gone nearly unnoticed except for the parties involved. This quote from a NY Times article explains: “Companies that typically handle crises well, you never hear about them,” says James Donnelly, …

Choosing Happiness

There are plenty of things to worry us, just turn on the TV or radio news. During times of uncertainly or stressful work conditions, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and forget who you are as a spiritual being. You may be asking, ‘OK, how do I feel happiness when I have deadlines in front of …

J&J’s Headache

For many years Johnson & Johnson was known for one of the most successful crisis management campaigns in history, the 1982 Tylenol recall. Its superb handling of this difficult incident served to cement its reputation among consumers as a trustworthy brand until recently when a series of clashes with the FDA turned public opinion upside …

Teams have a competitive advantage

When Southwest Airlines said that it's important to them that staff have fun at work did anybody believe them or did it just sound like more corporate mission statement jargon?

Motivation- Whose job is it anyway?

There is a lot of information written about motivation. New manager/leader training found in organizations and books everywhere has at least one course or chapter devoted to the topic of employee motivation. Located within the material, one will find lists of tips and tricks to keeping employees happy and motivated to meet performance objectives.


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You had me at hello

Here’s a great guest blog from a colleague and frequent contributor to my ezine, Jerry Brown. This advice is just as important for crisis-related media relations, maybe even more so, than it is for more routine, proactive PR. Jonathan Bernstein You had me at helloBy Jerry Brown, APR www.pr-impact.com Hook me at the beginning if …

The Implementation Phase of the Planning Study

Considering the two major objectives in conducting the interviews, determining how/if a program/project/activity should be implemented and beginning the cultivation of those folks who could help make it happen, it is essential, as with all serious development activities, that those interviews be face-to-face. You can’t be taken very seriously and you can’t read body language …

Systems Thinking- What’s That?

It was 1968 when an obscure academic at the University of Edmonton, Ludwig Von Bertalanffy, publish the book General Systems Theory. It was the first major look at the foundations and applications of systems thinking across a broad array of practical and scientific fields. Starting with the individual organism he demonstrated that the systems view …