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You Made a Mistake, Now What?

Mistakes happen but no one likes to make them. And certainly very few of us like to admit to them. The good news is that mistakes, even big ones, don’t have to leave a permanent mark on your career. Here’s how you can recover quickly and use the experience to learn and grow. 1. Fess …

Coaching Tip – Delegation in 5 Steps

Many of my coaching clients have trouble delegating. It’s an essential skill of managers and leaders because delegation frees up time as well as develops people. Here is a simple 5 step delegation model to assure what you delegate meets your expectations. 1. Identify the need – What are you doing that someone else could …

M = Motivation

Motivation is a topic that I often integrate in many of my trainings for helping to create inspired workplaces. As I share with you both some principles of motivation and de-motivators, think of which ones most supports your spirituality in the workplace and which ones hinder it the most for you. Principles of Motivation: Everyone …

10 Myths About Business Ethics

Business ethics in the workplace is about prioritizing moral values for the workplace and ensuring behaviors are aligned with those values — it’s values management. Yet, myths abound about business ethics. Some of these myths arise from general confusion about the notion of ethics. Other myths arise from narrow or simplistic views of ethical dilemmas. …

Got a Pick?

A professor in grad school used to take pride in humiliating students, presumably to teach the students how to handle tough questions they may be asked about their research. It was a brutal process to watch. Perhaps you work with bosses or co-workers who do this. We run into various sharp objects in our work …

What is Business Ethics?

Let’s Start With “What is ethics?” Simply put, ethics involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing — but “the right thing” is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed in a great deal of business ethics literature. Most ethical dilemmas in the workplace are not simply a matter of “Should …

Let the Fish Swim in the Deep Pool

I heard a man say that he doesn’t like to tell his wife his small concerns because, “I don’t want to incite her creative ways to worry.” When was the last time you took a small thing to worry about and turned it into a catastrophe in your mind? We humans are very creative beings. …

About Kim Vey

You can contact Kim via email or LinkedIn Email LinkedIn

Incentive-based Compensation

Many startup businesses set up incentive or commission-based compensation systems for their initial employees. This is often done because they can’t afford to pay staff what they’re worth. As an enticement they offer the opportunity to earn much more than a smallish base salary if these early staff achieve great success. This is common in …

Team Building vs Team Development

Travel budgets slashed, bonuses unlikely and the prospect of redundancies. Now is probably not the time to ask for cash to fund the annual team building day but it might be the precisely the right time for some team development. The phrase team building has risen in prominence in recent years as employers realised the …