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Testing Email Campaigns

Never take anyone’s advice on how to run an email campaign (except this advice from me)! Instead, take the good ideas you hear from others and test them within your campaign. Testing online is similar to testing in direct mail (or with your favorite recipe, for that matter). Test one subject line against another, or

Capital Campaigns #13: Campaign Publicity

Publicity is an important part of any extended campaign … serving many purposes. • Multiple opportunities to tell how the Project will benefit the community • Public recognition to the Institutional and Campaign Leaders, and selected donors • Creating and maintaining community enthusiasm There must, however, be specific conditions and a strict timetable for the …

Five Steps to Develop Patience

I’ve been having technology challenges lately. Nothing tries my patience more than computers and gadgets not working as they ‘should’. I’ve been aware of my patience being tested so want to write about patience as a spiritual practice. I love the video clip of the comedian who talks about “Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy”. Check …

Bad Guys Lose with Google

Google nails its latest crisis management effort Although Google has been at the center of several controversies, the notoriously tight-lipped search behemoth has the advantage of being a public favorite, which means that it has already banked a good amount of reputation “credit” that can be renewed when the need for crisis management arises. Furthering …

Leading Change

The research and literature on change indicates that a primary reason for the success or failure of a change initiative hinges on the skills and knowledge of the individuals responsible for leading the change. So what leadership behaviors or competencies are most strongly associated with effectively leading or overseeing change initiatives? This blog entry introduces three competency areas that enhance the capacity of a leader to coordinate and drive organizational change: Systems Thinking, Strategic Savvy, & Organizational Agility.


Purpose of this Business Communications Blog This blog helps you improve your business planning by providing articles, opinions, commentary and many related resources. The blog is for a general audience, including beginners and those advanced in business communications. The benefits of business communications are many, including that you: Improve your own thinking, decision making and …

Making a Statement

How you communicate is just as important as what’s actually said Many business execs think of written statements as powerful tools, tools that satisfy reporters and the public while quelling any questioning or doubt. The rest of the world…not so much. In an article for his website, Mr. Media Training, Brad Phillips composed a solid …

Meaningful Minutes

This blog post explores the use of detailed board minutes and the risks of inadvertent disclosure.