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5428 results found

Most Hated Companies

Just being on this list is a crisis. Businesses are not expected to be perfect. In fact, the public is fairly forgiving of small mistakes if they are admitted to and corrected quickly, and even big problems can be countered over time. The problem arises, though, when an organization lets things go too far. This …

Good Email Subject Lines

People may not judge books by their covers, but they certainly judge your email before they open it. If your email message has an uninspiring subject line, it will never get opened. Go into your “deleted items” folder in your email program, and scan the emails that you never opened. Odds are, none of those …

Who Does What?

Good crisis management means being prepared for the worst Being well prepared beforehand is probably the number one way to minimize the impact of crises on your organization. While this may seem obvious, most are at a loss as to what steps to take to ensure this preparedness. In a recent post on the Preparis.com …

Connect with ~7500 SE fans

Just wanted to mention a listserv devoted exclusively to social enterprise. Its focus is learning more about how organizations can develop successful social enterprise strategies to generate earned income to pursue mission, build capacity and achieve greater sustainability. If you’re interested, you’re invited to join the 7500-subscriber npEnterprise Forum listserv, the official listserv partner of …

Team building by asking questions

Wouldn’t it be good to know that every decision you take over the next 12 months will be the right one. This may sound impossible but there is a way to significantly increase the likelihood of your decisions being correct. The secret is understanding. Without understanding we are very likely to make bad or the …

Mission Not So Impossible

Your mission this year is to step more fully into Who You Are. You are not your job title You are not your salary You are not your career ladder You will know Who You Are by how you respond to stress, greed, temptations, challenges, conflicts, opportunity. You will have opportunities to speak your Truth …

Google Docs and Google Sites

Google Docs is a free, Web-based word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, form, and data storage service offered by Google

Welcome to the Business Communications Blog!

This blog will be about various aspects of business communications, and will focus especially on practical tips and tools, including posts from guest writers. You can learn more about this blog by clicking on the About link just under the header. Before using the blog, please take a few minutes now to read about the …

Business Plan Competitions

One way to develop and test your plan is to submit it to a business plan competition. These competitions are mostly associated with business schools. Most offer winners consulting assistance and in many cases seed money. But here’s the catch: in most cases, only students can apply and competition can be stiff. But check out …


Outstanding examples of good crisis management The primary goal of Merrie Spaeth’s “Bimbo Awards” is to give a humorous look at crisis communications gone wrong. Occasionally, though, Spaeth picks out a few examples that stand in stark contrast to her usual fare – those who got things right. Here’s a sample, from her “Bimbo of …