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Facebook Landing Pages

Creating and configuring a call-to-action and landing page is fairly easy, and even novice users should be able to have one up and running quickly thanks to a step by step guide from the marketing professionals at HubSpot.

Competitive Analysis

Since every business has competitors, every business plan needs competitive analysis — also known as competitive intelligence. Direct competitors provide more or less similar products or services, such as coffee shops. Indirect or generic competitors provide different things, but customers will often choose between them. For example, nearby restaurants may offer different eating options, but …

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Based on five dysfunctions of a team Patrick Lencioni pinpoints the issue of building a great team and group behavior. “Team building is not complicated”, declares Lencioni, president of his own management consulting firm and author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Watch the short video below hear Patrick’s great advice:

Leading the Dynamic between Volatility and Vision

Darcy,[i] a VP in a large pharmaceutical company, began using VUCA and VUCA Prime when she faced an unexpected regulatory issue. Now she uses it daily to make sense of her constantly shifting world. Our conversations are peppered with: “Let’s VUCA this.”, “He is reacting personally, but it is just VUCA.”, and “I need to …

The Cost of Values

I’m not intentionally picking on Johnson and Johnson. But their current ethical challenges couldn’t be a better case study for the financial impact of not living one’s values. As reported this morning, Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest health products company, said fourth-quarter profit fell 12 percent, hurt by product recalls and declining sales. The …

Endowment “Campaigns”

Endowment Campaigns are often thought of as another type of Capital Campaign, but there are two major (and some minor) differences between these types of fundraising efforts. •   A capital campaign primarily raises funding for tangibles – bricks-and-mortar and equipment, and sometimes programs. An endowment is a “savings account” from which an organization typically uses only …

10 Ways to Boost the Effectiveness of an Autonomous Business Unit

Also known as Autonomous Business Teams, an SBU in its simplest form, is a group ranging between 5 and 20 people, all working as a team to make improvements to the way they work, and within their circle of influence. For this reason SBU’s almost always share common business goals.

is it all just “common sense” ?

From time to time in my business life, someone will ask, or sometimes say that project management is ‘common sense’, meaning it is just common sense. Often they are making a statement along the lines of ‘what’s all the fuss about this PM stuff, it’s all just common sense isn’t it’? Well, my question is, …

A Change Of Pace

Whoever said an event had to be a dinner or a luncheon to work? The key to making any event succeed is to learn, well in advance, what will bring out your audience: existing donors, new donors, corporations, government officials, community leaders, etc. Almost every event can benefit from an occasional change of pace … …

Keep Choosing Love

Last week, dealing with discouragement and confusion, I sat in meditation and heard the phrase, ‘Keep Choosing Love’. I was inspired to write the following prose. As we celebrate not only the life, but the Spirit, of Martin Luther King Jr., I offer these words to carry into your work and your everyday life. May …