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Staying Motivated

Even the best laid plans can go awry, and we all have tough times in business. It can be challenging to close major sales, get the growth we want, and our competitors tend to throw up obstacles. Through all this, how do you stay motivated? What works for you may not work for someone else. …

What Gandhi taught us about business planning

A reporter came to interview Mahatma Gandhi one day. It turned out this was his day of silent fasting, but the reporter still insisted on getting Gandhi’s message to the world. Ghandi wrote: My Life Is My Message. In a business world where many hours and dollars are often spent crafting that perfect positioning statement …

Social Management

A crisis communications success story From late December 2010 to early January 2011, massive flooding occurred throughout Queensland, Australia. The crisis tested the mettle of first responders and government agencies alike, and also, as in most recent disasters, highlighted the importance and effectiveness of technology and social media in crisis management. In an article for

If You Lie Down With Dogs…

Don’t play friendly with the bad guys It doesn’t require a deep look to know that Khamis Gadhafi, son Muammar Gadhafi, is going to be involved in controversy, so what would drive a U.S. company to bring him on as a high-level intern? Greed perhaps, or just foolishness? Here’s the story, from a Yahoo article …

Coaching Tip – Manage Self Limiting Beliefs

Self limiting beliefs are a group of thought processes and feelings that hold us back and cause us to maintain the status quo. They are normal – the key is to be aware of them so you can be at choice. Here are some terms related to Self Limiting Beliefs: Negative self talk Inner critic …

Special Events and the NPO Staff

In many organizations, the announcement of a future event moves staff to wave their hands and raise their voices, saying that, “I want to help, I love events.” The theme and the goals and objectives of an event are (often) determined by the organization’s development team – the event being part of their annual fundraising …

Employee Motivation: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Some people like their eggs poached, or scrambled, or soft-boiled, or sunny-side up. Others prefer deviled eggs, an omelet, or a quiche. A key principle of employee motivation is that different people and different groups have different needs and desires. Here’s what you need to know about motivation. 1. Money is not the top motivator

Is Anybody Listening?

People these days seem to be impatient, stressed and constantly rushed. As a result of poor listening, we make mistakes, we forget what was said, or we miss nuances in the conversation. We owe it to ourselves and all those we care about at home and at work, to slow down, pay attention, and do the hard but rewarding work of listening.

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Tell Us What You Want

This blog is for you, the reader. We take your feedback very seriously. Please take 3 minutes to complete the following survey. We will very closely consider your feedback to make this blog even better for you. Click here to take the survey Thank you very much! — For more resources about training, see the …