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If You Evaluate It – They Will Come…

This posting by: Lynn deLearie. Since Andrew Grant wrote in his post, Impress Funders with Your Grant Proposal: Target Your Outcomes, “funders have become consumed with the notion of outcomes assessment.” (The link to Andrew’s piece is at the bottom of this post.) I agree, and have found the evaluation section of proposals to be …

Local Education Foundations: Less Effective Than They Could Be !!

This posting by: Hank Lewis I received the following email: I am involved in local education foundations which is a 501(c)(3). We do some really neat things that help to educate kids in our community, and we have a few big fundraisers each year. On our website and in the marketing info for the events, …

Embedding the Ethos of Community: Moonshot #2

I admit, this took some research! Let’s start by defining what we are trying to do, Wikipedia to the rescue. Ethos: Greek, meaning character, used to describe guiding beliefs, ideals, and the spirit which motivates them. Community: a group whose intention, beliefs, resources preferences, needs and risks affect and shape its identity. This captures how …

Foot-in-Mouth Disease

Strong communication is an essential ingredient for crisis management Merrie Spaeth’s BIMBO Awards nominations never fail to provide perfect examples of what NOT to do when speaking to the media. In fact, it certainly looks like foot-in-mouth disease is making the rounds again because this month brings us quite a few displays of poor communication, …


This week we have a guest blogger, DARLENE M. OLIVER. She is an attorney with a wonderful story of her transformation from corporate lawyer to social justice champion. I was inspired by her journey and words below. I hope you will be inspired as well to follow your passion and purpose. May you make the …

Tesla vs. The Times

Fighting back with hardball crisis management after a negative review Tesla Motors is at the forefront of the electric car revolution, but a controversial review by the NY Times has created quite a bit of turbulence around the brand over the past couple of weeks. Basically, NY Times reviewer John Broder took the Tesla Model …

Mending the Soul

Moonshot #1: Management That Serves a Higher Purpose (1) As more companies embrace and begin adopting the frameworks of our intersection (see January 7, 2013 blog post), the role of managers, supervisors, and bosses is changing. With the rise of self-organizing and self-managing teams, one could ask: What is the Purpose of Management, period? To …

The “I’m So Stupid” Defense

Playing dumb is really not a smart crisis management move After being taken to court for underpaying a cook at his Oriental Teahouse restaurant in Melbourne, Australia, to the point where she was owed $28,000 in back wages, owner David Zhou appears to have decided some crisis management was in order. We would assume that’s …

NY Times Hacking: What it Means to You

Are you prepared for a cyber attack? On Thursday morning the New York Times announced that, over the past four months, Chinese hackers have been perpetrating a campaign of attacks on the paper’s computer systems. Here are more details from the Times article, written by Nicole Perlroth, that broke the story: The timing of the …

MLB Doping Scandal, 2013 Edition

League and players in crisis management mode after new reports of PED use Major League Baseball still hasn’t quite recovered from the scandals brought about by the steroid era. In fact, The Hall of Fame election earlier this month saw players like Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa turned down purely because of their