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Tips On Finding SME’s

Your knowledge stars or SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) are your most important assets when it comes to getting the information you need to fulfill your requirements documents or any other documents that are being written. They will supply you with all the information needed to understand the product or processes, and teach you to be …

Build a Massive List – Simple AND Easy

A lead magnet solves a very big problem for your target audience. That makes sense, right? What do you do when you sit down at the Google search bar? Well, you type into it keywords for the problem you're trying to solve.

“Let’s Put On A Show!”

During a board meeting, many years ago, an influential and highly respected trustee declared, “What we need is more endowment. We ought to have a $20 million endowment campaign.” Being a trustee of influence and affluence, all heads nodded in agreement with him. Hearing that declaration made with no justification, and no warning, I was …

Because I want you to…

I have all kinds of excuses. I was fighting off stomach flu and dizziness. I was dragging through my workshop toward the end of the day. I was digging deep to keep going, when suddenly I heard myself say the phrase I always bend over backward not to say, “I want you to……” Inwardly, even …

One Mold Doesn’t Fit All

When presenting documentation for approval, adjustments have to be made even if there is a set standard and style guide that lends itself to mold out documentation in a unified format. Sometimes you have to make the adjustments and customize for the client, as not all clients are the same. They may prefer different ways …

Impact Investing: Still Small Fish In Big Pond

Impact Investing continues to garner a lot of attention, at Davos, at the Clinton Global Initiative, at the G8 Summit, and at social enterprises big and small. But it’s still having little financial impact. For now, big institutional investors are not participating. Until they do, impact investing will remain small.

Can You Exit Stage Left?

One of our recent projects involved work to be done on a short, 3-month deadline. According to the project leadership, everything which denoted good project management practices had been performed. The work was scoped, fine-tuned, and broken down into work packages. The work packages were then assigned resources and budget. Budgets and timeframes were confirmed …

The Fail-Safe Way to Delegate

“I know I should delegate but: “I can do it faster…He won’t be able to get it done on time…she’s bound to make some mistakes.” These are things I’ve been hearing frequently from overworked, stressed out managers. I jokingly mentioned, in a recent presentation, if there was something in the air that’s causing this outbreak …

“I Can’t Tell People What They Should Give!”

No one would argue the fact that every fundraising campaign needs a goal and that everyone connected with the campaign, including prospective donors, needs to be aware of that goal. Why, then, do people so often fight the setting of a goal for each prospective donor and the sharing of that goal with the prospect? …

Goodwill Exposed Paying Sweatshop Wages to Disabled

The Paying of Sweatshop Wages to Disabled by Goodwill Crisis management is required after the media highlights the contrast between the stated mission and reality The revelation that some disabled Goodwill workers make as little as 22 cents an hour while execs regularly rake in as much as $1.1 million annually has created a crisis …