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Tips On Planning A Document

Planning can mean anticipating, preparing, and being able to predict or forecast possible events. It’s being able to schedule ahead. Some people set up blocks of time for work and availability and move them around to be able to handle situations. But how do you plan ahead for documentation projects? Here are some suggestions: If …

How to Speak With Confidence in Any Situation

It happens. You are asked to fill in for your boss’s big presentation. You are new to a project and have been asked for an update. You are in a meeting when you are called on to speak or share your opinion. These are all situations where you might experience a sudden drop in your

Value Of Slide Shows

User manuals provide a road map for the user. Many technical writers embed screen shots or images into documents to aid the user in seeing what a product or application is composed of, how a task is achieved, and most importantly, what not to do. But there are always questions as to where and how …

Good, cheap and fast! You’ve got to be joking!

You’ve heard of the old proverb: “if it’s too good to be true then it probably is”. In other words be suspicious of people offering you high returns for little investment. Whilst that might apply to everyday situations such as when that door to door salesman comes knocking and offers you a free holiday in …

Listen up: Take this Listening Quiz

A few years ago I worked with an individual who came to me because she seemed to have trouble listening to her boss. As we spoke, it turned out she was anxious about remembering everything he said, and so she would furiously write copious notes as he spoke. But the anxiety and the distraction of …

Social Impact Bonds Begin To Catch On

Social Impact Bonds are finally moving from idea to reality, in a few states. These “pay for results” government contracts are a new form of financing where payment only occurs if the agreed-upon social results are achieved. No results, no money. Financing comes from a private sector financing intermediary, which secures funds from private investors …

Estimating Time

You are at a meeting to help set up a project plan for a new undertaking. You have been asked to estimate the time needed for your documentation role in this particular project. How will you know how long it will take to complete the writing project? You could have researched before the meeting and …

A Swan Song

The definition of a Swan Song is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song in the moment just before death, having been silent (or alternatively, not so musical) during most of their lifetime. …

Who Should Make The Ask?

A participant on a listserve raised the question: “What skills or personal qualities make one competent to ‘make the ask’ when meeting with a) an individual and b) a corporate representative?” Because I have some very strong feelings/opinions about the issue and didn’t want to be angered/frustrated/annoyed by that discussion, I didn’t read the rest …

Decision, Decisions, Decisions

Should I take this offer or wait for a better one? Should we go with the candidate who has the most experience or the one who needs seasoning but has fire in the belly? Do we purchase n a new computer system now or wait until the next fiscal year? Over the years, as an …