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Is Balance Possible?

Now here’s a frank perspective: Balance doesn’t work. So don’t even try. Accept the fact that the only way to really make something happen is to go “full out” at it, with everything you have.

Pitching the Media – an Essential Skill

Brush up on your PR tactics with this useful infographic Pitching the media is an essential skill for traditional PR, but it’s also used heavily in crisis management. Landing stories helps to create a cushion of goodwill, or rebuild your image after taking a reputation hit, and sometimes getting your side of an issue published …

Communicating Change

How do you communicate change to others? It can be done verbally or through writing. For lead technical writers, immediate changes require the creation of new or updated requirements and meetings to present changes and new documents. Prior to the meetings, the lead technical writers have to question and determine where, when, and why changes …

The PMO Blues

A good friend who shall remain anonymous deploys projects for a large IT organization. Recently, as often happens, our conversation strayed into “work” topics. This time the subject became her Program Management Office, or PMO, with which she was greatly annoyed. “The volumes and volumes of reporting and paper my PMO demands have become completely …

Communicating Technical Analysis

The Technical Writer as an Analyst is a subject matter expert when involved with analyzing any data collected. The writer/analyst is able to communicate and translate technical information from examining a series of data; whether it be about processes, issues, trends, etc. However, before any analysis or evaluation of the data can be done, the …

“Best” Books on Impact Investing

One measure that impact investing is gaining more traction is the growing collection of books written about that topic. Most of them focus on international investing, but now there are some that address domestic programs as well. My favorite book on this topic is Impact Investing: Transforming How We Make Money While Making A Difference, …

Want to get noticed on LinkedIn?

If you want to stand above the crowd on LinkedIn, here’s what you need to do - simple, concise, to-the-point. Take your LinkedIn profile from OK to OUTSTANDING.

Development Staff: How Many? & Events in Homes

1. How Many Development Staffers Do We Need to Attain Our Fundraising Goals? by Tony Poderis I’ve often been asked about a formula/guideline for determining the number of development staff needed relative to an organization’s fundraising goals? I always reply, strongly, that “there’s no such animal.” There simply cannot be such a formula developed that has …

How to ACE an Unpleasant Discussion

You have to terminate a project. You have to tell a job candidate she didn’t get the job. You have to tell your boss—or a client—you are unable to take on a new initiative. Whew! These may not be crucial conversations, but if they leave you feeling uncomfortable or if they place stress on key …

Update: Obama’s Social Innovation Fund

The Obama Administration’s Social Innovation Fund (SIF) has now been in operation for several years. SIF was created to fund an annual competition to identify innovative nonprofit programs that provide measurable, scalable solutions to community problems.