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Communicating Via Visual Designs

We don’t always realize it, but sometimes we are being told what to do visually. Take these as examples: • A zebra crosswalk on the road – we know to walk within the zebra crossing. • A sign of a bicycle – we know the lane is a bicycle path. • A light switch- we …

How To Engage Clients in Consulting Assignments

As we clarified in Part 1 of 3, if your clients don’t participate in the consulting to improve their organization, then you are faced with the dilemma: “Should I just do the work for the client, or should we keep slipping deadlines in the project”. However, long-lasting change will not occur in their organization if …

A common question that we get is “How can I get my clients to participate in the consulting project when they seem too busy to even attend our meetings?” This question is relevant whether you are an internal or external consultant. In those situations, you are faced with the dilemma: “Should I just do the …

Show Me … Don’t Tell Me: Say It With Video

Share your message in an effective medium. Allow video to be used to get your message out there. How else can you let your audience in on the amazing things your organization does on a daily basis? Let people know all about who you are, the impact you have on our world and the way …

Communicating Planning Objectives

You have been given the task of setting up a plan to make sudden changes to, e.g., processes. How do you let people know and how do you communicate planning objectives that you have developed. What do you do first? What if there is resistance? First Steps Communicate with and set up meetings in order

The Planning Study: Implementation

Continuing from last week’s posting…. As it will not always be appropriate to run down the prepared list of questions with every interviewee, the interviewer must be able to “read people,” must be able to know when to forget the prepared questionnaire and just chat with Mr./Ms. Jones about the NPO’s issues and possible futures. …

Guest Post: I’ll Have the Filet Mignon, Please

[Editor’s note: This guest post, originally published on the Triad Strategies blog, looks at the impact of VW’s $14 billion U.S. owner compensation agreement, and what it may mean to the company if similar amends are to be expected overseas where nearly 20x the number of vehicles have been affected. Although VW’s annual revenue is …

Five Keys to Effective Communication

How much time do you spend each day communicating person to person? You may be solving a problem with a customer, leading your team on a project, holding a meeting, or discussing performance issues. I bet this is a huge part of your workday. Yet most of us give very little attention to what kind …

Don’t Be Unkind to In-Kind Donations

An email read: “I own a catering company and we often donate goods and services to nonprofits in our community … to a generous degree. Frankly, we are discontinuing the practice, [as we’re] just tired of being treated like ‘second class’ donors.” Having heard that complaint many times before, I responded: I know exactly how …

Communicating Educational Content

How do you provide educational content? How do you know if it is valid and usable? The answer is by providing good communication. How do you do that? What if there was, e.g., some technical knowledge that needed to be shared? Communicating and delivering that information can be challenging. Many learners attend networking sessions, seminars, …