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Board Leadership, Bold and Brave

This is a guest post from Steven R Roberts Non-Profit Boards, charities, foundations must fight to establish a brand and a following. Therefore they must be led boldly or their missions will have little chance of being fulfilled. After chairing several non-profit boards, and being on a couple of for-profit boards, in the past twenty-five …

Adaptive Leadership in Action – A Civic Leadership Coaching Scenario

Imagine this scenario… The charismatic founder of a small (but influential) nonprofit resigns suddenly and moves across the ocean, leaving the organization in turmoil. Stepping in quickly to clean up the mess, the Board promotes Douglas from Deputy Director to Acting ED. Douglas has been in his new position for a month when the Board …

Adaptive Leadership

This blog entry is an introduction to the process of Adaptive Leadership.

Outstanding Customer Service – A Call Out to Leadership

Outstanding Customer Service – A Call Out to Leadership Think about it. How hard can it be to provide outstanding customer service to your customers? It isn’t hard at all…When you make it a priority. The foundation of good service begins with the Leadership of the company. Company leadership is responsible for ensuring the company …

Does Transformational Leadership Make a Difference?

This entry states that the bottom line objective of transformational leadership could be referred to as a leader’s efforts to align his or her goals, and the goals of team members, with the strategic goals of the organization. The questions that are addressed are whether this approach to leadership shows evidence of any positive outcomes, let alone the aforementioned grand objective.

Different Domains of Leadership and Skills Needed in Each

We often generalize leadership and skills to be the same traits needed all the time and everywhere by all leaders. Is leadership really that simple? Let’s look at different domains of leadership and the different skills that are needed in each. Leading Yourself To effectively lead yourself, useful skills are, for example: physical fitness decision-making …

What is Transformational Leadership?

This blog entry suggests that Transformational Leadership is the winner of the prize for the most researched, studied, and debated approach to leadership that has ever existed. The blog says that Transformational Leadership exerts more influence than any other leadership approach on the organizational leaders of today.

Sunrise Interrupted: Leadership & Choice-making

I woke before sunrise to write about leadership. Anticipating a good 90 minutes before boy, man and dog appeared at the kitchen table, I switched on the coffee maker, snapped a quick picture of the full moon setting in the west, and flipped open my MacBook. In less than two minutes, a sleepy almost-three-year-old called …

Most Forgotten Type of Leadership – Self-Leadership

Guest submission from Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting, LLC. There’s been an explosion of interest in the topic of leadership. Too often, we assume that leading always means leading others. Actually, that’s not the most common form of leading – and it’s not the most important. Most Important Form of Leading – Leading Yourself Most …