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1209 results found

A Definition and Implementation of Organizational Change

Organizational Change Unveiled: Definition and Implementation Every now and then I gift myself with the luxury of time available for reflection, and I “mine” my own learning of what existed. What made that effort a successful change process? Why did that one and that one work well? First of all, my experience is that organizational …

Why Leaders have Trouble Restoring Trust

The challenges facing Paul Levy, the embattled CEO of Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, highlight the issues faced by many leaders: once in hot water, how to start on the road to recovery. The problem is that many leaders don’t appreciate the nature of the ethics risks they face and what is in fact …

Be Nimble, Be Quick; Be Disruptive, Too

In a world with dynamic markets and fickle customers, it’s best to build into your plan strategies to respond quickly to new opportunities and threats. Long gone are the days when you could just create a valuable product, price it to attract customers while making a profit, and then just keep doing the same thing …

Are We Really Just Looking for Leaders to Save Us From Ourselves?

Guest submission from Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting, LLC. An Earlier Time When We Fantasized Heroic Leaders In the 1960s and ‘70s, many of us took part in “rap” sessions. Back then, rapping was a free-floating discussion, usually centered around utopian dreams of what society should be, but wasn’t. We lamented how corrupt “the establishment” …

Free Management Library and iBrand Masters Tweets

Coaching Blog: Coaching Tip – Block Time to Maximize Your Efficiency http://bit.ly/9dedlw # Training Blog: 4 Steps to Conducting a Needs Assessment: http://bit.ly/bANRSz # Social Enterprise: Feasibility Testing: Top 10 Tips http://bit.ly/9YLsOE # Business Planning Blog: What Do We Need: Strategic or Business Plan? http://bit.ly/dj9XBr # Fundraising Blog: GRANTS: FREE MONEY – NOT QUITE !! …

Reactive Versus Planful Nonprofits

I’ve worked with nonprofit organizations for a very long time. I’ve noticed two distinctly different approaches to leading: reactive versus proactive. You’ll very likely notice each of the two distinctly different types in the following paragraphs. Fundraising The reactive nonprofit is continually fundraising and then spending whatever funds are obtained — so the organization is …

The importance of team governance

From guest writer David Kershaw, from eVisioner MetaTeam® A friend of mine who has been in business for many years advises new managers who are trying to run an organization for the first time. Several times he has told me stories of young execs who get down in the weeds helping to get the actual …

Hank’s Top Ten Fundraising ‘”Musts” 6-10

10. All Board Members, MUST be donors – to the best of their ability. Not all board members are wealthy, but everyone should give at the highest level possible for their circumstances. It is important to be able to say to the public that 100% of your board supports your mission with their dollars. If …

Putting Ethics First: A Conversation with Mr. Blankfein

Talking with Mr. Blankfein About Placing Ethics First From the Wall Street Journal on May 5, 2010: “Frankly, at this point, we have to go with an open mind and determine what we may be doing wrong,” Mr. Blankfein told customers of its private-wealth-management business during a 30-minute conference call. “On a very microscopic level, …

New Leaders Needed

The days of leaders who can raise productivity and consequently profitability just by ‘managing by walking about’, patting their staff on the back and asking after the dog, are gone.