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Capital Campaigns #4: More Than Raising Money

It’s important to understand that, for many nonprofits, the benefits of conducting a successful capital campaign often extend beyond merely raising a specific amount of money. Of course, the purpose of the campaign is to raise the dollars, but an effective/successful campaign will also have a number of very worthwhile side benefits: • The more …

Professional Development: Are You Learning Every Day?

Are you learning new shots or skills every single day? Jack Nicklaus was asked if there are really talented golfers who never make it. “Oh, hundreds of them”, he replied. “A lot of people out there are more talented than I am and yet, through the years, I’ve passed them by. That’s because I never …

Capital Campaigns #3: Quick Checklist for Readiness

Being “ready” for a Capital Campaign does not mean that the CEO and/or Board/Staff members have decided they want or need to raise a lot of money. Being “ready” means that all the elements are in place to assure success if a capital campaign is implemented. An organization/board cannot risk committing to a capital campaign …

Ask HR- Reference in the Resume

I was recently asked my opinion of using a referral pane on a resume. The resume looked something like this. My opinion is that this is too difficult for a recruiter to scan.

Capital Campaigns – Part #2: What They’re Not

• A capital campaign is not a “fundraiser.” It is as far beyond a dinner event as building a motorcycle is beyond building a skateboard. • A capital campaign is not for the faint of heart. In conducting a capital campaign, an organization puts its credibility and its future on the line. It is one …

You Made a Mistake, Now What?

Mistakes happen but no one likes to make them. And certainly very few of us like to admit to them. The good news is that mistakes, even big ones, don’t have to leave a permanent mark on your career. Here’s how you can recover quickly and use the experience to learn and grow. 1. Fess …

Make Career Change Work For You!

Are you looking for more than just a better job? Rather, you’re seeking a more rewarding profession, one that better aligns with your skills, interests, values, and plans for the future. It will not happen overnight. It will take reflection, planning and motivation. Here are five tips for making the transition into a new, rewarding …

Dancing with the Butterfly-I

Leading and Working in Complex Human Systems -For Diane Hetherington- The importance of human systems: We spend much of our lives as part of human systems. Examples include the organizations in which we work, the teams and groups of which we are members, our families, our communities, and our world. In fact, I would argue …

Smart Networking: Advancing Your Career

Do you play bumper car or smart networking? Bumper car networking is when you show up at a meeting or social function, bump up to someone for a couple of minutes, talk about this or that, hand out your business card and say something like: “Let’s get together some time.” Now smart networking is different. …

Who’s Responsible For Your Career?

Many think of it as a 50-50 arrangement. I carry 50% of the responsibility for my career development and my employer carries 50%. Yes, in theory, but not in reality. Here’s the rub. What an employer considers 50%, you may consider only 10% and be dissatisfied. And what you feel is your 50% contribution, may …