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1209 results found

Your Competitive Edge: Have Skills Will Travel

What do you bring to the employment table? As organizations continue to change -they’ll grow, restructure, merge, right size, outsource – an increasingly vital career strategy is to make sure your competitive edge continues to be well honed, razor sharp, and very, very productive. Get this image in your mind—you are carrying a large suitcase …

Leading the Dynamic between Volatility and Vision

Darcy,[i] a VP in a large pharmaceutical company, began using VUCA and VUCA Prime when she faced an unexpected regulatory issue. Now she uses it daily to make sense of her constantly shifting world. Our conversations are peppered with: “Let’s VUCA this.”, “He is reacting personally, but it is just VUCA.”, and “I need to …

Do Foundations Support Social Enterprise?

Well, yes and no. They all want their grantees to develop “sustainability” strategies, by which they mean they want you to continue into the future without their money. So if social enterprise will help an organization diversity its funding sources and rely less on philanthropic support, they’re all for it. They like reading about it …

Information is Power: What Do You Know?

Do you have all the puzzle pieces and know how they fit? Just for a moment, visualize your career as one huge jigsaw puzzle with many different pieces. One piece can be your department’s goals; a second your company’s challenges; a third your industry and how it’s doing; a fourth the economy in your city …

The Importance Of Developing Talent Within An Organisation

Despite rising unemployment recruiters of senior managers are claiming it is still far from easy to attract talent. People in secure employment are far less willing to switch jobs than they were two years ago. It is therefore imperative to develop the talent within our organisations, a fact supported by a Deloitte survey

Developing Winning Team Presentations

Are you responsible for leading your team to create and deliver presentations together? Whether it is a pitch for new business or a project report, it can be a challenge to develop presentations that are cohesive, smooth and compelling. Before you develop your next team presentation, check out these reminders that may help you create …

VUCA Prime – A Leader’s Response

Recap from VUCA – A Leader’s Dilemma A multinational organization faces a major structural reorganization that contains significant functional changes and leadership challenges. Facing the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) are four leaders responsible for implementing a significant part of the organizational change without losing strategic momentum. Finding VUCA Prime Like most organizations, the …

A Performance Review That’s Not a Winner

A not so great performance review doesn’t have to be a career setback. Recently I coached a talented project manager who had received a not so stellar performance review that could impact her career advancement. Getting negative feedback from your boss is not a joyride. In fact, it can be devastating. I know from experience. …

Get the Most Value From Your MBA

About a year ago I finished my MBA. I expected there would be plenty of opportunities for advancement. That has not happened. What should I do? That was a question from an analyst in a financial services company. That situation has come up several times in coaching recent MBA’s and Executive MBA graduates. They thought …

The Nonprofit Technology Gap – Really? New Report Sheds Light on the Issue

I am so enthusiastic to be the new co-host of the Nonprofit Capacity Blog here at the Free Management Library. Greetings! One topic that hasn’t been mentioned much here, that is an interest of mine is the nonprofit technology gap and so I plan to write about that subject. Frequently when nonprofits talk about capacity …