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1209 results found

Career Survival Strategies to Ride the Waves of Change: Part 1

Change is a fact of life. Don’t resist it; thrive in it! Take a look at career survival strategies here. In these days of takeovers and mergers, of downsizing operations and multiple rightsizing, chances are you’re going to be caught up in some form of major workplace change at least once in your career. Probably …

Purposeful Stage Movement for Trainers, Speakers, Actors…

Although we could be seen as going off the training and development reservation on this one, once you read the entire article, you’ll agree we are actually too close to the subject not to bring it up. This blog is probably the most direct way of saying I think training, public speaking, and acting are …

Are You a Career Entrepreneur?

“Your #1 priority must be to launch and grow a business called Me, Inc.” That’s according to Tom Peters, leadership author and consultant, who encourages everyone to see themselves as self-employed, even if they work for someone. Therefore in this world of downsizing, right sizing, restructuring and mergers, you need to be focused on managing …

5 Key Reasons Why Team Building Doesn’t Work

Many leaders and organizations bring in a team building expert when things are going horribly wrong, feel better for a day or two and predictably go back to the same old type of interactions. This approach gives team building a bad name or makes it appear ineffective when it can actually be a powerful tool …

Build Your Reputation and Your Career

How well do you toot your own horn? There’s a well know saying: “It’s not what you know …but who you know?” Well in today’s changing world, replace it with this: “It’s not only what you know, it’s not only who you know, but, as important, it‘s who knows you.” In order to be known …

Making junior project managers more senior

In project management, we imply the existence of a strong relationship between experience and good decision making. The question is: What kind of experience? Domain experience or project management experience?

Leading the Dynamic between Uncertainty and Understanding

In 1996 I was working in Germany for a large pharmaceutical company. One of my areas of responsibility was the decision analysis process that determined the probability of success for the drugs we were developing. The goal of the exercise was to make a decision based on the certainty of a predicted outcome. Sound familiar? …

Is your Light Under a Bushel or Shining Brightly?

This week is the half way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) celebrated as Candlemas in the Catholic tradition, Imboc in the Celtic tradition. It marks a time when the days get noticeably longer and there is preparation for spring. Perhaps you’ve seen more …

Power Networking: How Well Do You Do It?

Relationships are the bread of career life. So make and break bread with others. In times of change, contacts are the sources of information, opportunity and even power. Don’t let your everyday responsibilities isolate you from others. Move out from behind your desk. Move around in a variety of circles. Move quickly, eat hardy and …

Fundraising and The New Executive Director

A Note From a Reader: “I will begin my new position as an ED in a non-profit next month and I would like to meet our sponsors and donors. We do not begin our campaign drive for another few months. What is the best approach to introduce myself to donors? Would it be appropriate to …