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Consultants’ Growth: Challenging Mental Models – Part 3

Challenging Mental Models: Part 3 of Consultants’ Growth (See Part 2 of 3) Warren Bennis taught me to ask three questions: What’s So? So What? What Now?” How we handle uncertainty and how we deal with it personally is critical in how we manage change. Given the uncertainty and complexity in our organizations, dealing with …

Culture Saves Lives

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine offers insights into what distinguishes high-performing and low performing with regard to deaths of heart attack patients under their care. It’s not the training of the doctors or the investment in high-tech equipment. It’s the organizational culture that makes the greatest difference. As Dr. Pauline …

What Shapes Careers?

What influences career success the most? A McKinsey Global Survey asked executives about decisions or events that led to a significant long-term positive change in their work life. One of the most interesting findings was that both men and women said the single most pivotal event in their careers occurred when they were around the …

Adaptive Strain: Seeing the Need for Change

The events of last week remind us that VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) lives just under our radar screen and can catapult us from the status quo into radical change instantly. Like the 2008 economic crisis, events of this magnitude create unavoidable systemic strain that threaten to tear organizations, even countries, apart. As leaders, we …

Transparency is a key to performance

It’s ironic that a word like “transparency” can have several confusing meanings, even in a business context. While transparency as a concept is often most visible in the realm of social responsibility and compliance, its real benefit is when it’s seen as a business priority. Transparency is about information. It is about the ability of …

Watch Out For These Seven Career Mistakes

Many ambitious professionals are so involved in projects and fire fighting that they forget about managing their careers. Don’t let these seven career mistakes derail your career. 1. Burning bridges along the way. Each profession may seem big – but, as you move up in your career, you come to realize how ‘small’ each really …

Why Isn’t All Training Like Training for Your Black Belt?

Why Doesn’t All Training Look Like Black Belt Training? We call it professional development training. Here’s a little different take. I call it, The Black Belt Art of Training. My middle school children have been taking the same kind of training for years. ract among most trainers, I think. But do tell me if I …

Leading a Dilemma

Equilibrium is death. As a biologist, I believe this fundamental truth of life also applies to business. When a living breathing business flat-lines, the end is near. It is the dynamic flow of resources, goods, services, money, information, and workers that keep businesses alive and healthy. The global financial collapse of 2008 came close to …

Changing Jobs: Don’t Have Buyer’s Remorse

I left my present job, which was stable but had limited opportunities, and went to a larger company that is so different. I think I’ve made a mistake. This was a frantic call I received from a project manager who’s dealing with buyer’s remorse. It seemed like the best job ever. The money was good …

Lateral Moves: Will They Advance Your Career?

There are times when a lateral move can be as important to your career as a promotion. Is this one of them? Here’s a reader’s situation. “I have a boss who is sitting out time till his retirement. I can’t move up until he goes. Another manager has given me some hints that I could …