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10 Practices for Successful Board/CEO “Strategic Partnership” – Part 1 of 2

This Part explains the first 5 practices. Part 2 describes the last 5 strategic partnership practices. Recent and very public “white collar,” stock-fraud crimes have brought much public attention to how governance is supposed to work, but too often doesn’t. The Sarbanes Oxley Act is one example of new regulations intended to strengthen the transparency …

How to Start Strategic Planning: Plan for a Plan II

In Part 1, we reviewed the first 3 of the 15 questions that should be addressed during the “plan for a plan” phase of strategic planning. In this Part 2, we review questions 4-6. 4. What is the Scope of Our Plan? It’s not uncommon for leaders to believe that a long-term plan will somehow …

10 Myths of Management and Organizational Consulting – Part 2

In Part 1, we reviewed myths 1-5. In this Part 2, we review myths 6-10 Management Consulting Myths. 6. Myth That All Consultants See the Same Problem the Same Way Each consultant brings his or her own particular view, or “lens,” through which they view organizations. Also, each has his or her particular biases and …


Purpose of this Customer Service Blog This blog helps you improve your customer service by providing articles, opinions, commentary and many related resources. The blog is for a general audience, including beginners and those advanced in customer service. The benefits of strong customer service are many, including that it ensures: Clear understanding of your customer’s …

Welcome to the Customer Service blog!

I’m Barb Lyon and I’m the host of this blog. You can read more about me next to my picture in the sidebar. This blog will be about various aspects of customer service, will focus especially on practical tips and tools, and will include posts from guest writers. You can learn more about this blog …

Evaluation: Running Training Like a Business

Evaluation – not everyone’s favorite topic but it is a necessary “evil” especially if we as trainers are running our programs like a business. What do I mean by this? Well with this lovely economic environment we are currently in, we all know that soft-skills training departments are the first to make cuts or lay …

Leadership Defined

Some view leadership as a series of specific traits or characteristics. Others see it as comprised of certain skills and knowledge. And some, me included, think of leadership as a process. This view of leadership, as a process, places an emphasis on social interaction and relationship.

Vatican’s Public Relations Blunders In Hell’s 10th Circle

Does the Pope have an in-house public relations team, or is the Vatican getting expensive, or pro bono, outside counsel to handle the latest, growing scandal over the actions — and an alleged cover-up by pre-pope Ratzinger, then a Cardinal, The Vatican’s Public Relation blunders include Hell’s 10th Circle? others — of one particularly notorious …