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I have been a grants professional since 1974 — that’s a long time. I have worked in agencies that range from the largest single local public agency in the country to a tiny seminary … and everything in between. During that time I’ve taught countless grant seekers in graduate and continuing education courses, and in …

Travel lightly

This past week my sister-in-law died. Nothing like a death to put things into perspective. I reminded my in-laws as they were worried about details of the funeral, ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’. After seeing their sister die, it was an easy message to get across. After that ordeal the type of flowers or coffin …

Strategic Thinking and the Law of Nemesis

The Law of Nemesis is a useful concept for leaders, strategists and strategic planners. In a nutshell, the law states that if things are going well in your enterprises, you must be aware that Nemesis is lurking, since no successful effort goes unnoticed by competitors. Mark Rhodes of Strategy by Design explains the concept in …

Survival without social media and website has a new look

I’m back after a one-week at-home vacation that included no computer use for business purposes and no social media participation. A very relaxing change of pace! But, alas, time and mortgage payments wait for no man, so I reluctantly return to the land of the working stiff. I’d like to invite readers to check out …

Coaching Leaders: A Systems Approach

Guest Submission by Steven Ober, EdD Leaders live and work in complex systems. In fact, we all do. These systems include our organizations, our teams, our families, our communities, and our larger society. In today’s world, it is incumbent on those of us who coach leaders to deepen and broaden our ability to coach from …

The Best Kept Secret in PR Today

Looking for PR? Community newspapers offer a major opportunity. As resources continue to get cut, many papers are increasingly turning to outside sources for content, including public relations agencies and trusted article-placement services.

Phony Baloney: When Press Releases Go Awry (or on Rye)

In our last installment, we left you with a closing item about General Mills having to quickly snuff out a fake news release or press releases gone wrong saying that the President of the United States (POTUS — in Secret Service talk) was investigating the company’s supply chain for alleged product recalls. The makers of …

Is the Day Before Vacation Your Most Productive Day of the Year?

Have you ever noticed that the day before you leave for vacation is your most productive day of the year? From my perspective here are some reasons why we become “super efficient”. I suggest these strategies to my coaching clients who are getting ready for vacation – I trust they will help you, too. Focus …

The Feasibility Study is Obsolete

For the last 50-60 years, a Feasibility Study has been “required” before planning and/or implementing a Capital Campaign, and its basic concept and structure hasn’t changed in all that time. I contend that it’s more than obsolete, it’s counter-productive. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t first determine the feasibility of …