The theories behind team building could be a much older than originally thought. In fact Plato may have been the first ever team building expert!

For some years we’ve been saying “teams that play together, work together” and it seems that although team building is thought to be a comparatively new addition to business training Plato, one of the world’s most influential philosophers, had a similar view over 2000 years ago; “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation” Plato
So we’d encourage you to make time to play with your colleagues this week, take a ball to the park, eat ice cream in the afternoon or play darts at lunchtime – whatever you think would be fun.
We spend most of our waking lives with our colleagues so let’s enjoy it.
For more resources, see our Library topic Team Building.
Blog by Fresh Tracks: Experts in Team Building, Team Development and Staff Conferences