This week marks the time when we reach the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It marks a time when the days start to appear longer, the light emerges from the darkness. In the Celtic tradition this is celebrated as the cross-quarter holiday of Imbolc. Other holidays are St. Brigit’s Day, Groundhog Day and Candlemass. This is a time of germination before the new growth.
What is Emerging?
Sit still, find quiet time to hear what is rustling beneath the awareness of your mind. Discern the new growth below the surface. What is germinating, building energy to emerge in your work and your world? Notice what shifts or new opportunities emerge for you in the coming weeks. Keep a journal of thoughts, ideas, dreams, interesting conversations for the next 30 days. Then review it to see if there are patterns or themes to guide you into the spring.
I’ve had numerous conversations lately about what this year is about- the dawn of a new era, a new beginning, a new phase of human existence. I don’t believe 2012 is a year of catastrophe. Rather I see it as a time when many are experiencing personal and global wake-up calls. We are being nudged, if not jolted, into awakening. We are being asked, guided, forced, inspired to live differently.
Personal and Global Awakening
I believe we are shifting into a new era, a time of greater connectivity across the planet. It’s also a time that requires greater connectivity within yourself. No more escaping, running, hiding from pain, doubts, fears that hold you back. It is a time to step more fully into the truth, power, and beauty of who you are. It is a time to tap into your gifts, clear away the clutter of your mind, your work, your life, your relationships to live more authentically, more intentionally. This helps not only you but everyone around you.
You have a chance to shift gears, to expand your horizons. In doing so, you join the dance with others to transform the planet- emotionally, energetically, physically, mentally.
Be Still and connect with your Inner Wisdom, your Source of inspiration and renewal.
For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.
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Click this link to order Linda’s 10th Anniversary edition of “Path for Greatness: Work as Spiritual Service”.